All text parts should be reduced to a necessary minimum. The most important information should be placed correctly on the website. This includes paying particular attention to the left side of the screen, as well as the area of the screen that is commonly referred to as “above the fold”.The reading behavior of the users should be considered. Most users read a website in the F-schema, which is why the text should be arranged approximately according to this scheme.
- Keep the load times as short as possible, because the majority of users only give a website a load time of 2 seconds.
- An improved layout ensures that more customers are bound to one and the same website. A resolution of 1000 – 1600 x 700 pixels is ideal for this.
- If the website links to other websites via links, the correct placement of the links is urgently necessary. In addition, it should be clearly stated on which websites these links lead.
- Following these eight tips, which are described in more detail in the infographic, and examples, web design is appealing, user-friendly, and will drive higher clicks than ever before.
Do not use banner ads on your pages and do not use promotional offers or pop-up windows. They harm your searchability in the search engines and distract the visitor only from the actual content. Some providers are trying to convince you that new customers can easily be won by participating in banner exchange systems. This is nonsense and only uses the operator of these systems. You pay the cheaper price of these providers with worse rating in the search engines. In the end, you’re using others, not yourself. The right website design services are available in this matter.
Insert your company logo –
Most people associate a specific logo with the products and services offered. Linking the logo to the homepage makes it easier for users to find their way around your homepage. Do not use animations that distract the user from the essential offer. They only increase the load times through animations. The benefit of animations is considered controversial.
We advise against it
Before it comes to the actual web design, a concept must be created that considers all factors in all elements. Precisely for this reason, our specialists and women attach so much importance to a detailed consultation: In the end, a good website is created that perfectly suits the company, product and target group.
Web design is about much more fundamental: The font must be readable! This includes considerations of font color, font as well as font size. Even if the new website in Internet Explorer looks great, it does not have to do that in Chrome or Firefox. No one will install a new browser or plugin just to view a website. In addition, there is a need for websites to be optimized for mobile devices, as most of the Internet access via tablets, smartphones and Co. comes about.