Courses for Perfecting Your Art of Graphic Design
In this day and age, graphic design is not just a job title; it’s an art form. And like any other art form, it takes years of practice to perfect your craft. The good news is that there are plenty of courses available online and in-person across the world where you can learn how to become a better graphic designer. If you’re interested in taking on this career path or just want to improve upon your existing skillset, here are some courses that will help you along the way:
Watercolor Illustration
Watercolor illustration is a style that uses watercolors and other materials to create images. Watercolor illustrations are usually made up of just a few colors, with the artist using their brush and paint to create the image they want.
Watercolor illustrations can be used in magazines or on posters, but they’re most often seen in children’s books because they’re … Read the rest
Edit Your Photos Like A Pro!
Have you ever wanted to make your photos look like they were taken by a professional? Now you can, with the help of this guide. In it, I’ll show you how to edit your photos like a pro in minutes!
Edit your photos
- Crop and resize photos
- Adjust the contrast, brightness, and saturation of your photos
- Add filters to your photos
- Make your photos black and white
Add text to your photos
Adding text to your photos is a great way to add a personal touch and make them unique.
You can use it for:
- Adding names, dates or other information about the photo. For example, if you’re taking photos at an event like a wedding or birthday party, you could use this feature to write down everyone’s name who appears in each picture. Or if you’re taking pictures of someone’s house or apartment, adding their address will help others
Web design examples from famous designers
In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some examples of web design from famous designers. We’ll explore how they implement color theory, make use of space, and more!
Nike is a huge brand, so it makes sense that their website is well-designed and professional. They use a lot of white space on the page, which makes the site look clean and organized. The large images give the page a personal feel, like you’re interacting with them directly rather than just looking at an image or text block on your computer screen.
Google has a clean, simple design. The search bar is at the top of the page, and there are no advertisements on it. Their logo is located in an upper left corner of their website. There are only a few links at the bottom of their homepage: “Google,” “Advertising Programs,” “Careers” and “Contact Us.”
The … Read the rest
Car Decal Sticker Design
Car decals are a great way to show off your brand and provide entertainment for drivers. They can be used as an advertisement, a fun project or just as a way to express yourself. You can design them with images or text, depending on what you want to convey. The design elements will depend on the application of the decal.
Car decals are a great way to show off your brand and provide entertainment for drivers.
Car decals are a great way to show off your brand and provide entertainment for drivers. They can be used for advertising, fun projects or just as a way to express yourself. When designing car stickers with images or text, it’s important to keep the size of the sticker in mind so that it doesn’t obstruct visibility out the window.
If you’re looking for a way to promote your business on the road but … Read the rest
future graphic design trends
Like many industries, graphic design is constantly changing. The way we create and consume content today is vastly different than it was 10 years ago, let alone 50 years ago. However, there are some core elements to the craft of graphic design that have remained constant throughout its history: typography, illustration, photography/videography and data visualization/infographics. These four elements are the foundation of any successful piece of visual communication—they’re what makes a good design great. So, as technology advances and our society changes more rapidly than ever before in human history—and as we move closer and closer to becoming cyborgs—what does this mean for how we interact with each other visually? What happens when machines start designing on their own?
Web Design
The future of web design will be driven by content and mobile.
It’s no surprise that the future of graphic design will be driven by a focus on content, … Read the rest